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求助于英语,英语 求助

来源:整理 时间:2023-03-09 03:29:16 编辑:律生活 手机版


1,英语 求助

1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.B 3.which 指代的是前面的整句话,of course 只是一个插入语,去掉不影响句子结构。7。assure 安慰,确保。assure sb. sth. He assured his mother that everything was ok.
英语成绩的提高要时间诶。还是先看看作文吧 结构句式什么的,背下来一些。阅读要求理解 ,看不懂的话我也不知怎么办= =! 单选都是繁多又小的知识点,这个要慢慢积累,如果语感好的话比较占便宜。

英语 求助


Because has paid the advanced payment for the original contract provision indication amount (EUR101,170), therefore draws up the letter of credit amount and the tail funds amount sum total subtracts the advanced payment after the revision contract total price the amount
参靠: feeling of love 例句: 爱的感觉应该是“我们能一起来解决问题”而不是“爱我吧,因为我需要你。” "We are able to solve our problems together" is the feeling of love, rather than "Please love me because I need you. "
feeling of love
Loving feeling
the feeling of love



Longwangmiao was founded in the mid-and late Ming Dynasty, the latter through changes frequently Rise and Fall. September 2007, the beginning of the restoration and reconstruction Longwangmiao. Its layout structure of axisymmetric pattern of the three hospitals. The main building from south to north as follows: one into the courtyard, Shanmen, stage, axillary things door bell Gulou,五爷Hall; binary Hospital, Long Dian; three homes, on both sides of the east side hall in a palace for Lu Zu Temple, the West for the temple. Longwangmiao the east and west sides with 42 rooms, 46 promenade. It covers an area of 9200 square meters, with a total construction area of 2820 square meters.
龙王庙始建于明代中后期,后历经变迁,屡有兴废。2007年9月,龙王庙开始恢复重建。其布局结构为中轴对称三进院格局。由南向北主要建筑依次为:一进院,山门、戏台、东西腋门、钟鼓楼、五爷殿;二进院,龙王殿;三进院,玉皇阁、两侧配殿东为吕祖庙,西为关帝庙。龙王庙东西两侧配有42间厢房,46间长廊。其占地面积9200平方米,总建筑面积2820平方米。 Temple of the king dragon was first built in the year from middle or late Ming Dynasty,changes were taken place during the history.The king dragon temple has been in processing of reconstruction since sep,2007.The disign inside the temple consist of three yards undirectly pave the way to the main hall in parrellel with a saperated line in the middle.The main buildings in good order from southern to northern are the first yard,the gate on the hill,the platform,east side door, west side door,alarm tower,and The Five Saints Museum.The three yards ,Yuhuang Cabinet,both sides of the building are companied by Luzhu temple in the east and Guandi temple in the west.Both sides of the king dragon temple are also faciliated with 42 rooms and 46 long corridor.Its size is summed up to 9,200 square meters,the whole building should be measured to 2820 square meters. 这样的翻译我是首次接触,希望意译者要对其进行推敲,理解透才能让外国人明白我们说的是什么.本人只能给出百分之六十五左右的可信可达,雅暂时先放下.




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