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来源:整理 时间:2023-02-05 17:03:20 编辑:律生活 手机版



民事诉讼法Code of Civil Procedure






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6,急 求有关合同法或民法的英文文献

民法http://www.library.uq.edu.au/findits/findit.php?title=Law+of+Torts合同法http://www.library.uq.edu.au/findits/findit.php?title=Law+of+ContractExploring further - Selected Internet sitesStart with the following key internet sites for this subject -http://www.worldlii.org/catalog/50048.html这个可以么,自己学校网页搜到,应该很多吧,用google直接搜tort或contract law就可以吧~
你要什么方面的啊 哪国的 什么都不说清楚 怎么给你


A contract is illegal if either its formation or its performance is contrary to the public interest and to public policy. In general, illegal contracts are void. While there is a wide variety of situation which may produce illegal contracts, the discussion in this lesson will focus on three broad categories of such contracts: (1) contracts in violation of positive law, (2) contracts expressly made void by statute, and (3) contracts contrary to public policy. 1. Contracts in violation of positive law. A contract which provides for the commission of a crime or whose nature tends to induce the commission of a crime is illegal. Similarly, a contract which cannot be performed without the commission of a tort is illegal; however, the fact that a tort is committed during the performance of a contract does not in itself make the contract illegal. 2. Contracts made illegal by statutes. Statutes which expressly deal with the legality of certain types of contracts may be divided into three groups: (1) criminal statutes, (2) statutes expressly declaring contracts void, and (3) regulatory statutes. Statutes commonly have statutes which either prohibit or regulate wagering. Generally, wagering contracts are illegal and will not be enforced. Wagering contracts should be distinguished from contracts to shift a risk. In a wagering contract, a risk is created for the purpose of bearing it---such as a bet on a football game. A risk-shifting contract---such as an insurance contract---is legal so long as the person purporting to shift the risk actually had the risk. Stock and commodity market transaction entered into in good faith are speculative contracts and not illegal as wagers. Some common example of statutes declaring certain types of contracts illegal are usury laws and Sunday closing or blue laws. These statutes often make the contracts void and may subject the parties involved to various penalties and forfeitures.
A contract is illegal if either its formation or its performance is contrary to the public interest and to public policy. In general, illegal contracts are void. While there is a wide variety of situation which may produce illegal contracts, the discussion in this lesson will focus on three broad categories of such contracts: (1) contracts in violation of positive law, (2) contracts expressly made void by statute, and (3) contracts contrary to public policy. 1. Contracts in violation of positive law. A contract which provides for the commission of a crime or whose nature tends to induce the commission of a crime is illegal. Similarly, a contract which cannot be performed without the commission of a tort is illegal; however, the fact that a tort is committed during the performance of a contract does not in itself make the contract illegal. 2. Contracts made illegal by statutes. Statutes which expressly deal with the legality of certain types of contracts may be divided into three groups: (1) criminal statutes, (2) statutes expressly declaring contracts void, and (3) regulatory statutes. Statutes commonly have statutes which either prohibit or regulate wagering. Generally, wagering contracts are illegal and will not be enforced. Wagering contracts should be distinguished from contracts to shift a risk. In a wagering contract, a risk is created for the purpose of bearing it---such as a bet on a football game. A risk-shifting contract---such as an insurance contract---is legal so long as the person purporting to shift the risk actually had the risk. Stock and commodity market transaction entered into in good faith are speculative contracts and not illegal as wagers. Some common example of statutes declaring certain types of contracts illegal are usury laws and Sunday closing or blue laws. These statutes often make the contracts void and may subject the parties involved to various penalties and forfeitures.


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