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2,商务英语论文范文怎么写啊 谁知道发来


商务英语论文范文怎么写啊 谁知道发来





写商务方面的有须与英百语有联系,若是大专的,3-4千字就可,可以是汉语的,也可以英语度的,本科的字数会多一些4-6千字,若是英语专业或商务英语专业,最好用英文的。版一般有导师的,按导师要求会更好。论文结构包括题目 作者姓名,中英文摘要 关键词 正文 结论 参考权数目 致谢等。字体格式不同学校或出版社要求不尽相同。
只找到篇文摘,你看看有没有用吧 cultural conflict between china and western countries and our policy in inter-cultural business negotiation abstract nowadays the cooperation and relationship between countries have become closer and closer because the tendency of the worlds economy globalization become stronger and stronger. with the ongoing of china opening and reform policy, and success in entry wto, the relationship between our country and other countries in the world will also become closer and closer. various inter-cultural negotiation become more and more frequent, so about different cultures much attention is paid by business men in the inter-cultural negotiation. there are many aspects that affect the factors of cultural conflict, such as: thought, ideology and time etc. therefore, correct understanding of cultural conflict between china and western countries becomes more and more important. and only when we make a good understanding and recognition correctly about the different cultures between our country and western countries can we have a better policy in business negotiation, and serve the socialist market economy. 101篇关于商务英语的论文可以供参考: http://www.zuoyepai.com/search-商务英语-all.html (复制有效) 并选出符合要求的几篇以供参考: 推荐:浅论交际策略在商务英语写作教学中的应用( http://www.zuoyepai.com/downloadinfo/downloadinfo.aspx?id=342726 推荐:商务英语专业人才培养探析 ( http://www.zuoyepai.com/downloadinfo/downloadinfo.aspx?id=85032 推荐:谈商务英语教学中商务文化意识的培养( http://www.zuoyepai.com/downloadinfo/downloadinfo.aspx?id=252234 推荐:谈商务英语教学中商务文化冲突的文化意识培养( http://www.zuoyepai.com/downloadinfo/downloadinfo.aspx?id=252233 如有问题请到作业派网站(www.zuoyepai.com)

5,求一篇6000字以上的纯英语论文 题目The Influences of the Cultural

免费的在百度文库或百度网页。 找错地方了,这里没有的。 因为我们的是原创,在其他地方是找不到的 采纳哦!
With the development of economy and the entering into the World Trade Organization, companies and enterprises in China have been taking part in international business negotiations. What does negotiation mean? Does it only mean to communicate or bargain with other people? The answer is not complete. Negotiation is the process by which at least two parties with common or conflicting interests try to reach an agreement of mutual benefit. This definition indicates that negotiations take place within the context of the four Cs: common interests, conflicting interests, compromise, and criteria (Moran and Stripp, 1991). From the definition, people know that negotiation is one of the most important processes in business trade. It directly relates to the result of the business. A successful negotiation may help people get the business, or even get much profit than they have expected. On the contrary, it may also make people lose the chance. So, business negotiation plays an important role in business trade. While, in cross-cultural business negotiation, negotiation teams often encounter conflicts between both sides benefits and cultures, which are mainly caused by culture differences. As some business negotiation styles are affected by cultures to some extent, negotiation teams from different cultural backgrounds adopt different negotiation strategies according to different cultural views, values and behaviors, etc.. These images, assumptions, values, beliefs and expectations differ across cultures, giving rise to various conflicts in the course of business negotiation. In order to get a satisfactory result in a business negotiation, the thesis aims to introduce how culture differences impact on intercultural business negotiation and particularize several countries negotiation styles in the purpose of avoiding conflicts and adopting appropriate strategies
还有有不少是现成的, 需要的话可以 采纳哦!
:The Influences of the Cultural Differences on the International Business Negotiations 文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响 私聊之 我来回答


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